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Loustinch's Shop

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Creative Religious Education resources for key stages 3 and 4 which draw on an experiential pedagogical perspective.




Creative Religious Education resources for key stages 3 and 4 which draw on an experiential pedagogical perspective.
Different types of family

Different types of family

This is an introductory resource to support students in exploring and understanding different types of family unit. The lesson includes starter, main and plenary activities, the corresponding worksheets for which are included at the end of the powerpoint. This lesson was developed for a class of year 7 students who have additional learning needs, however it can be used for KS2 classes or developed for more able KS3 classes.
Introduction to marriage and the family

Introduction to marriage and the family

This lesson provides and introduction to the key terms in the marriage and the family unit and urges students to consider how the family structure has changed and the problems/benefits that have occurred as a result. Links to the edexcel GCSE syllabus.
Introduction to abortion

Introduction to abortion

This lesson acts as an introduction to abortion. It includes the law, foetal developmental stages, a ‘mystery cards’ activity that helps students reflect on the complexities of making a decision whether or not to abort and concluding exam style questions.
Abortion case study cards

Abortion case study cards

This activity is aimed at encouraging students to reflect on the various contributing factors that may lead to a decision to abort a pregnancy. There are four cases studies for students to consider. This activity is useful as a springboard for discussion.